January 21, 2016 @ 9am - 6pm, Embodied Leadership Institute
Have you been wondering why the passion for social change plagues you with: exhaustion, fatigue, anxiety, depression, and chronic decision making that depletes you? Are you curious how you can shift your paradigm of relating to social change to be experienced as: joyful, easeful, dynamic and feeling fully alive? In this Embodied Leadership Institute, you will have a day where you learn how oppression impacts your body, steals your thunder, and discourages you from believing in the power of individual and collective change. Walk away from the Institute with a new paradigm and framework that integrates tools that support you in thriving and building on your strength and resiliency. The day will blow your mind as you understand your own body’s relationship to oppression, and we will engage you in an experience that refreshes and revitalizes your belief that at the heart of social change lives: love, compassion, kindness, spirit and your beauty filled unique and powerful self.
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